Why join MTEA?The benefits of belonging to the Montana Traffic Education Association are many. The MTEA ...
Professional instruction and guided practice ... |
Who can join MTEA?You can! Elementary, secondary, and university teachers and administrators involved with traffic safety education (and other interested persons) can join MTEA.
Annual membership dues are $45, payable to MTEA. With your active, full membership, you receive: 1. Three newsletters per year (Spring, Fall, Winter) 2. Voting status (board elections, annual awards) 3. Awards eligibility 4. A voice in the ongoing improvement of drivers education and professional development of Montana's traffic educators. To join or renew, download and complete the membership form and mail with your dues to Jim Carroll, MTEA Executive Secretary, MTEA, PO Box 637, Conrad, MT 59425. Membership expires on May 1 of each year. If you attend the spring conference, your membership will automatically renew for the next year. DOWNLOAD MEMBERSHIP FORM ![]()
Retiring from Teaching Traffic Ed? Active with MTEA? We want to honor you!
The Montana Traffic Education Association recognizes the importance of its members with their many contributions to the teaching profession in general and this professional organization specifically. As a way of honoring its members, MTEA will provide service awards at the annual conference. These awards will be provided at three levels of service, as defined below. The Executive Board reserves the right to consider special situations regarding service to MTEA. Download the Service Recognition/Retirement Award form and mail to Jim Carroll by March 1st (prior to each year's MTEA conference).
The general service levels and criteria are:
LEVEL 1 (plaque, artwork, or equivalent)
LEVEL 3 (major artwork or equivalent)
Download the Service Recognition/Retirement Award form and mail to Jim Carroll by March 1st (prior to each year's MTEA conference).
The general service levels and criteria are:
LEVEL 1 (plaque, artwork, or equivalent)
- Nominee must be retiring from a professional position in which benefits will be received (includes instructors and administrators of traffic education programs).
- Nominee must be a member of MTEA for a three year consecutive period prior to the award.
- Nominee must have been involved in Traffic Education for at least 3-10 years.
- Same as Level 1 plus;
- Nominee must have provided additional service to MTEA during his/her professional career. Examples of service include serving as a board member, class director, member-at-large, legislative liaison, or conference presenter.
- Nominee must have been involved in Traffic Education for at least 11-20 years.
LEVEL 3 (major artwork or equivalent)
- Same as Levels 1 and 2 plus;
- Nominee must have served as an MTEA officer and/or served the association above and beyond Level 2 service.
- Nominee must have been involved in Traffic Education for at least 20 years.
Download the Service Recognition/Retirement Award form and mail to Jim Carroll by March 1st (prior to each year's MTEA conference).